Due to current concerns around COVID-19 it has been decided that the International Conference on Bioengineering and Technology (IConBET2021) will be held as a fully virtual conference. The decision has been made as the wellbeing of our participants is of our primary concern.

  1. Video presentation will be pre-recorded and submitted as video files BEFORE 17th of May 2021.
  2. You can use MS PowerPoint to record the presentation video.
  3. Please follow the instruction for video preparation :
    • All presentation should be prepared in English.
    • First slide must include TITLE, NAME, INSTITUTION and PROFILE PICTURE.
    • Videos should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio and face of the spoken presentation.
    • Maximum duration of video presentation is 10 MINUTES.
    • File Format: MPEG-4 (.mp4) (use standard H.264 video and AAC audio codecs).
    • Video Size: HD (or use other “720p” settings).
    • Audio Quality: Audio commentary and the content of the slides must be clearly presented.
    • No background music is allowed in the presentation.
  4. Your video filename should be in the following format: PaperID.mp4
  5. To upload your video, please use our Google Drive Submission Form (CLICK HERE HERE)

Contact Us

International Conference on Bioengineering and Technology (IConBET2025),
Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Phone : +6019-9638819 (Assoc. Prof. Dr. An'amt Mohamed Noor); +601116887536 (Dr. Asanah Radhi)
Email :
Website :