Abstract :
Background: Vocational colleges (VC) students face several hazards at workstations including physical, chemical, and psychosocial. This study was commenced to identify the existence and level of hazard present in vocational colleges working environment. Method: A total of 39 workshops and computer laboratories were visited to assess the hazard and level of risk. Among the assessment performed were classifying the activities in workshops, identifying hazard through daily work activities that have significant risks toward safety and health, and conducting risk assessment by analysing and estimating the risks involved by calculating or estimating the probability of exposure and severity of identified hazard. Risk matrix tables and checklists were used during the assessment. Result: Generally, majority of VCs did not display organizational chart and list of VC’s OSH committee, safety and health policies, emergency telephone numbers and safety procedures. Regarding noise level, more than 50% of engineering workshops and computer laboratories have high level of noise during practical session. For emergency management, only 25.6% of the computer workshops and laboratories visited have provided fire extinguishers in accessible position. As for ergonomic items, the design aspect of the sharp -edged workbench need to be improved to avoid potential accident. Personal protective equipment (PPE) was only used by 10.3% of the students. Conclusion: Physical, chemical, mechanical, psychosocial, and ergonomic hazard should be well managed to minimise the risk and provide a safe workplace for the students. |