Abstract :
Jaya Madhuri1,b , Wee Seng Kew 2,b,* and Sharmmila Pubalan2,c
1Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women`s University) Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-517502, India 2University Malaysia Kelantan Campus Jeli, 17600, Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia adrjayaravuri@gmail.com, bsengkew@umk.edu.my, csharmmila2807@gmail.com
Abstract. This study focused on the isolation, characterization, and utilization of starch-hydrolysing bacteria for starch extraction from rice grains. Bacillus species were isolated from soil samples and identified through morphological, biochemical, and microscopic analyses. The optimal growth conditions for the bacterial isolate were determined, emphasizing temperature, pH, and starch concentration effects on bacterial growth and starch hydrolysis efficiency. Fermentation of pretreated rice grains by the isolated bacteria yielded starch, which was subsequently purified and characterized using analytical techniques including HPTLC. The results confirmed the successful extraction and identification of starch, demonstrating the potential for microbial bioprocessing in starch production.
Keywords: Starch hydrolyzin bacteria, Optimum growth condition, Extraction of Starch Purification: HPTLC |